Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The US Trip Vol. 3

Actually this was a business trip. I think i should at least show you some work related photos. To prove that i'm not there just for the fun. :D

Pentair Water Kansas City

Our limo arriving at Pentair Water.

We were there for Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) of 2 nos of 4 stages vertical turbine seawater pump. These pumps eventually will form part of the fire fighting system of the jetty that my company are constructing now.

On the left is the pump while on the right is the test pit that the pump has been fixed on.

The tests were done and the results were acceptable. Hence, the pumps were ready for assembling and shipment to Malaysia by air freight.

In the middle was John, the Hydraulic Analyst. He got 30 over years of experience. Survived through 4 different ownerships in the same company.

Myself, Azizat, Chris, and Richard. Chris was the guy who coordinate our FAT. He is a Professional Engineer and also the International Application Engineering Manager of Pentair Water, brilliant guy.

Coming up next Vol. 4. ^.^


  1. u use ur DSLR for ur company visit record.. ahhaha... 1st time saw it.. so luxury. hahah

  2. haha... i dont see any problem with that la... just making full use of my camera...

  3. HAHA.. u look like a tourist... LOL... last time when attending a photography class.. the tutor say that those tourist also hang their camera on their neck.. hahahah..

    btw.. take more nice nice photo ya =)
