Friday, June 25, 2010

Scenes I See Everyday Part 1

Well... I have been working for more than a month now. Few know what i'm doing. I will take this chance to share with you all.

My company's projects are mainly on marine piling, which means building foundation for structure constructed off shore. That includes wharves, jetties, terminals, bridges and so on. The project i'm involving in is a Liquid Natural Gas Terminal (LNG Terminal). A Terminal where oil tanker and LNG Ship will be mooring at.

Currently, it is in the Marine Soil Investigation (SI) stage. Basically it is similar to the one perform on land but the only difference is it's on sea that's all. In order to do this Marine SI, a jack up barge is needed.

Jack Up Barge

Everyday i travel from my company shipyard to my site at Jurong Island South West. It took around 35 minutes to reach. So i got plenty of time to take some nice pictures along the way.

Oil Rigs and Cranes plus a very nice background

Shipyards and Docks

Crane, Crane, and Cranes...

Leader of Piling Barge

My Company's Backyard/Shipyard

That's all for now. Will be continued next time. I can hardly lift up my eyelids already. Sleepy.


  1. wow...seems like it is a huge project u involved in...find one day go visit u u bring me go jalan lo...exciting to c that...proud to tel ppl my bro is working at all these places...hoho...btw, whr u get a camera to capture these ar?

  2. it's not really a huge one la... currently i work on a jack up barge... those other pictures are scenes i see along the way i go work or during i go back company's yard from jack up barge... SG everywhere is shipyard, docks and wharves...

    Camera belongs to the company... take site pictures for reporting purposes...

  3. oic...haha...then u can apply ur photo shooting skills liao...

  4. really..... a lot of cranes... lol
