Monday, August 17, 2009

What a BIG DAY for me...

Big Day as in this

And this

Because of this STUPID RECKLESS Proton Wira Aeroback Driver!!!

The road is wet... and i was driving back from my survey trip for the first ever LitleGras camp along with Fabien... and this was what i got myself into...

It happened around 6.35pm at the two-lane converged to one-lane road just before the bridge crossing the river at Nibong Tebal... the traffic was crawling and i totally have no idea how this Indian dude behind me managed to bang me that hard... And when he came out of the car i showed my bewildered face at him... and he said " You break what... "... duh... of coz i break... what do you expect me to do when the car infront of me stopped?

Then the girlfriend got out of the car too... now i know why... he was busy flirting with his girlfriend and forgot to look at the front because she was simply too attractive for him to turn his sight away... we not even heard any sound of tyre skidding... i assumed he never break and he never know he's going to hit me until he did... the force was actually strong enough to push my car going forward which is about 1 metre infront of me and transfer the momentum to the Perodua Viva and then it banged another car infront of it... 4 cars are affected... but the 4th car suffer no damage... and the Viva damaged both its rear and front bumper but the Viva owner was just too busy to wait and settle the conflict at Balai... and his car was not seriously injured so two cars infront of me eventually drove off...

Me and the Indian Dude ended up in Jawi Traffic Police Station... stayed there for accident reporting until around 10pm... and the police officer actually said to me that there are 4 cases happened today similar to my situations (multi-car collisions) at the same area... and he told me never drive when there's rain and traffic crawl near the bridge area... he said you would rather stop there and wait or U-turn or whatever rather than spending hours with me for your reporting to claim insurance... could you believe the police officer actually said that...?

Really sorry for what happening to the car... I wont be this mad if the car was mine... it was liong's... really sorry to cause so much trouble to him... Very Sorry...

And now i guess many Grassmates and Coursemates already knew i got into accident... people would think i'm a lousy driver i guess... maybe now there's somebody whispering... " Never lend your car to HockSiang... "


  1. " Never lend your car to HockSiang... "
    lol, to think that u'll think like that!!! ^__^

  2. consider u had a bad bay though...
    =) dun worry ... it was not yr fault =) chill bro ~
