Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm happy even it is just a start...

There are few things i very much glad that is happening to LitleGras and its members...

1. Enthusiasm
I appreciate those who show positive attitude towards change we want to implement... I like people who willing to step up and take charge of important events... I like people who think a lot about LitleGras... I like people who are supportive... and i very much appreciate it... I'm happy to see that guitarist department has its lesson guidebook produced... and keyboardist department is actually starting lessons for its department's members... vocalist department has its activities for vocalist outlined... IEC department is carrying out its first ever important activity of the year LitleGras Annual Camp...

2. Growing number of club members
Recently we recruited huge number of band musicians and event management team members from first year and second year students... this would certainly help when we want to organize events... however... this won't be sustainable if we didn't manage our people properly... so we must remember that everyone of us need to put in substantial amount of effort to either directly or indirectly retain our people who have great expertise in various areas which are very much helpful to us... existing/old members need to be supportive to those new members that show great enthusiasm... sometimes people stay because they got friends around... and of cause we must have other formal means to attract people and make people wanna stay with us...

3. Better Performance
We know we have done quite badly(or perhaps just average if not bad) for our last annual concert. From the beginning of the semester we have been discussing about our showmanship... seriousness towards preparation of performance and so on as a step for better performance... and honestly speaking of which the HuaXie Night is one of the best show we have ever had in ages... thanks for the effort of band musicians... but do not get easy on it... we have to strive for any other coming performance events... improve your skills musicians...

Although we yet to see any significant results from our changes so far... but i'm sure we will be able to achieve the results we have been waited for so long someday somehow provided we continue to work towards our goals...

Once a LitleGras member... Forever a LitleGras member... :D

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